COLAB Artists Portraits by Tom Warren, Photo Portfolio, Digital Print, 1981-1984

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Tom Warren, Portrait Studio COLAB, 1981-1985 / 2013.  Portfolio of 14 portrait photographs in a hand made paper folio with title page.  Digital prints from scanned 4×5 Polaroid and Kodak negatives , 8 x 10 in. (each).

Tom Warren, COLAB, Portfolio, Portrait, PhotographsPortfolio of 14 portrait photographs

Tom Warren, COLAB, Portrait, Photographs, Seton Smith, Alan Moore

Seton Smith                                                                                                                            Alan Moore

Tom Warren, COLAB, Portrait, Photographs, Bobby G, Jane Dickson

Bobby G.                                                                                                                                Jane Dickson

Tom Warren, COLAB, Portrait, Photographs, Joseph Nechvatal, Cristof Kolhofer

Joseph Nechvatal                                                                                                                Cristof Kolhofer

Tom Warren, COLB, Portrait, Photos, Walter Robinson, Robin Winters

Walter Robinson                                                                                                                        Robin Winters

Tom Warren, COLB, Portrait, Photos, Jolie Stahl, Becky Howland, Christy Rupp, Kiki Smith

Jolie Stahl, Becky Howland, Christy Rupp                                                                             Kiki Smith

Tom Warren, COLB, Portrait, Photos, Dick Miller, Teri Slotkin

Dick Miller                                                                                                                                       Teri Slotkin

Tom Warren, COLB, Portrait, Photos, Tom Otterness, John Morton

Tom Otterness                                                                                                                              John D. Morton


Statement by Tom Warren from the portfolio                 Reverse side of photos have Warren’s rubber stamp and photo lab notations that identify the sitter.

In the early 1980s, photographer Tom Warren created an itinerant Portrait Studio that he moved from ABC No Rio in the Lower East Side,  to Fashion Moda in the South Bronx, and other locations.  The goal was to allow neighborhood people to purchase high quality pictures at a bargain price while simultaneously Warren assembled a collection of neighborhood portraits for himself.  “Ddisillusioned by street photography’s impersonal and false nature,” Warren understood that he could obtain more truthful likenesses by setting up a studio situation where sitters were posing for themselves.   Many of the artists that Warren knew from COLAB also sat for their portrait and over the years he amassed a large collection of COLAB portraits.   Warren has selected some of his favorites for this portfolio.  All of these are made from the original negatives and the complete set comes with a handmade paper folio with a title page


For our complete inventory of COLAB items please click here.

Alan W Moore Becky Howland Bobby G (Robert Goldman) Christof Kohlhoffer Christy Rupp Dick Miller Jane Dickson John Morton Joseph Nechvatal Portfolio Robin Winters Seton Smith Tom Otterness Tom Warren Walter Robinson