Another great Howl! Happening event: this Thursday, November 3, the gallery will host a free screening of Robert Mapplethorpe, Paul Tschinkel’s rarely seen 2006 documentary. The film features interviews with the photographer’s closest colleagues and family, including his father and his childhood priest. The original footage of Mapplethorpe himself shows an energetic 36-year-old, not yet slowed by the disease that would take his life only six years later.
The film is part of Tschinkel’s series ART/new york, which continues to produce educational videos about contemporary art. The interview of Mapplethorpe was conducted by Gallery 98’s Marc H. Miller, who worked with Tschinkel from 1981 through 1985. You can read more about their collaboration, and see excerpts of other videos, at 98 Bowery.
The screening begins at 7 p.m. Howl! Happening is located at 6 East 1st Street in New York City.
From 1981 through 1985, Marc H. Miller interviewed artists for Paul Tschinkel’s ongoing video tape series Art/new york. Top row, left to right: Roy Lichtenstein, Keith Haring, Brice Marden. Bottom row: Nam June Paik, Cindy Sherman, Jean-Michel Basquiat.