“Calling Women” (Jenny Holzer), Signed Lithograph, 1983


Mike Glier, Jenny Holzer from the “Calling Women” series, 1983; two-color lithograph published by Art Institute of Chicago, Oxbow, edition of 25 signed by the artist, 30 x 22 in.

This 1983 portrait of Jenny Holzer was created by her husband Mike Glier, a fellow member in the artists’ group COLAB. It is part of a series of works in which Glier sought to bring out the assertiveness of his female subjects by directing them to call out the name of a person, place or thing they felt strongly about. The “Calling Women” theme was particularly apt for Holzer, who was then finishing her “Inflammatory Essays,” a series of all-cap aphorisms.

In the 1980s Mike Glier often did portraits of his friends and fellow-artists in the Colab group. His inspired series of images of “Calling Women” showcase both his skills as an expressionist artist and his talent for isolating an evocative motif that was subtly political during an era when the woman’s movement was strong.

Jenny Holzer Mike Glier Women