1979/05, Issue Number 1 (May 1979). James White, Jack Curtis, EV Film


Leonard Abrams (publisher), East Village Eye, Volume 1 Number 1.  Cover w/ James White (aka James Chance) by Dana; Back cover by Christoph Kohlhofer. Offset on news print 15.75 x 10.75 inches.

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Christof Kohlhoffer East Village & Lower East Side East Village Eye Music - Books and Periodicals Music Ephemera Periodicals


East Village Eye, 1979–1987

Leonard Abrams was just 24 years old when he started the East Village Eye in early 1979.  Filling a void left after the closing of the East Village Other seven years before, and riding the wave of a newly revived East Village kick-started by CBGB and the rise of Punk,…