Fashion Moda Presents GAS (Graffiti Art Success for America), Curated by Johnny CRASH Matos, Poster and Press Release, 1980


Johnny CRASH Matos, Fashion Moda Presents GAS (Graffiti Art Success for America), poster flyer, 1980. Offset print, 1980, 11 x 15 inches.

Press Release for GAS (Graffiti Art Success for America) presently on exhibit at Fashion Moda presents graffiti in all its various forms…, 1980. Xeroxed page, 8 x 10 inches.

Fashion Moda, Graffiti Show, Crash

One of Fashion Moda’s most significant contributions was its role in connecting the graffiti artists living in the city’s boroughs with the downtown fine arts world. This poster embodies a key moment in this important history. It publicizes  GAS, the very first graffiti show at Fashion Moda  held in October 1980. Organized by Johnny CRASH Matos, GAS featured Futura, John Fekner, Lady Pink, Lee, Zephyr and other leading street artists. Like all the posters featured at Gallery 98, this is an original from the period.

Collaborative Projects Inc (COLAB) CRASH (Johnny Matos) Fashion Moda Graffiti and Street Art Posters & Prints


Collecting COLAB: Ephemera, Photography & Multiples, 1978–1985

COLAB’s ever-changing nexus of thirty to sixty artists included many who later achieved individual fame, but the group’s real contribution was the philosophy of creative engagement it advanced through collective, do-it-yourself actions.