International Graffiti Times, Volume 5, 1985; Design by DAVID SCHMIDLAPP


International Graffiti Times (IGTimes), David Schmidlapp, Art Director, full issue, Issue 5, 1985. Side A: two-color offset on mat paper; Side B: two-color offset on mat paper, 17 x 22 in.

In addition to complete sets of IGTimes, Gallery 98 is also offering for sale four individual IGTimes pages.  Although widely disparate in design, all copies of IGT were printed as double-sided sheets measuring 17 x 22 in.  These pages were then folded like maps and in most cases their design reflects the folded partitions. In a few instances pages were conceived as single entities so they could be unfolded and hung as posters.  It is these poster-style pages that we are selling here separately.

This is the complete issue #5.  In setting the initial style of IGTimes, David Schmidlapp was influenced by counter-culture publications like punk zines, as well as the overlap and density of subway art.

BluePOster copy

Side A


Details (Side A)


Side B


IGTimes Homepage

David Schmidlapp Graffiti and Street Art International Graffiti Times Periodicals


IGTimes: Urban Street Culture, 1984–1994

Among the underground publications of the 1970s and 80s IGTimes has the distinction of being the first periodical devoted to New York street and subway art.