Artists Space, Barbara Kruger, Be There! Spring Benefit Party, 3-Fold Card and Donation Insert, 1987


3-Fold card invitation to Artists Space’s Spring Benefit Party, Be There!, 1987.  Invitation artwork by Barbara Kruger, and includes images of Jon Kessler, Barbara Kruger, Sherrie Levine and Tim Rollins and K.O.S.’s works.

3-Fold invitation: 3.75 x 8.5in. 8.5 x 11in when open.

Donation Insert: 3.5 x 5in. 10.5 x 5in when open.

Barbara Kruger invite for Artists Space Spring benefit party

front of invitation when folded

front of unfolded invitation

back of unfolded invitation

front of unfolded donation card

back of unfolded donation card

Artists Space Barbara Kruger Benefit Invitations