DETAILS Magazine, Vol. 6 No. 7, 1988/02 (February), Bill Cunningham’s 5-Page The Future of Costume Exhibits
February issue of DETAILS Magazine, 1988. This issue includes a 5-page article, The Future of Costume Exhibits, with photographs and story by Bill Cunningham.
Issue also features Stephen Saban’s column, Marcus Leatherdale’s Hidden Identities and other regular DETAILS contributors.
136 Pages. 8.5″ x 11″
front cover photo of Joan Rivers by Michael Tighe.
Bill Cunningham’s The Future of Costume Exhibits
2-page spread of costume exhibits, with work by Adelle Lutz, Schiaparelli, Pierre Cardin, Salvador Dali, Doline Dritsas, Adam Kurtzman and others
detail of Anthony Haden-Guest cartoon
Limelight ad by Christopher Makos
Ad for an exclusive t-shirt design by Keith Haring at Club DV8