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December 1, 2022
John Gibson Gallery: The Early Years

The John Gibson Gallery featured challenging Fluxus and Conceptual Art by Joseph Beuys, Richard Long, Christo, Vito Acconci, and Dan Graham, among others.

October 7, 2021
WRAPPING BUILDINGS AS ART The Audacious Art of Christo & Jean-Claude

Over the years Christo and Jean-Claude’s wrappings have frequently been at a colossal scale and involved prominent public structures. These projects are by necessity short term (usually two weeks) but they live on through copious documentation created by the artists themselves.

September 8, 2021
EUROPEAN ART EPHEMERA, 1970s – 1990s Christo, Koons, Abramović, Sherman, Currin

When a collection of art ephemera only includes items from American galleries it inevitably does not convey the full picture. During the final decades of the 20th century Europe was not only the birthplace of important artists (e.g., Christo, Marina Abramović, Anselm Kiefer) but it was also a key market for American artists. Gallery 98’s goal is to capture…