Last week’s email calling attention to the historic “Punk Art” exhibition catalogue (1978) posted on 98bowery.com seems to have struck a responsive chord. Most gratifying is the Huffington Post article “16 Images That Capture The Dark And Beautiful Love Affair Between Art And Punk.”
A number of items from this groundbreaking Punk Art exhibition at the Washington Project for the Arts, as well as related works from this era, can be found on Gallery 98, an online resource for collectors, specializing in the art and ephemera of the 1970s and ’80s. Check here for publications like Punk magazine and X magazine; photographs by Beth B and Scott B, Jimmy De Sana, Fernando Natalici, M. Henry Jones, and Miller & Ringma; and posters by Amos Poe and Lydia Lunch.
The Punk Art catalogue is just one of three online publications that can be found on 98 Bowery. The other two publications are “Lives,” an exhibition catalogue by Jeffrey Deitch (1975); and “ABC No Rio Dinero: The Story of a Lower East Side Art Gallery”(1985). Read together, these publications provide both an informed history of culture in downtown NY and an introduction to the art and ephemera available at Gallery 98.