Gallery 98 has added new items to our inventory, including a rare 1985 poster—illustrated by a pointed Jenny Holzer text—for what proved to be a controversial exhibition curated by the Guerrilla Girls. When the Guerrilla Girls, in their campaign for gender equality, criticized the Palladium for ignoring women artists, the nightclub responded by inviting them to organize a show of women. But the curator’s responsibility to select certain artists for inclusion (thereby leaving out others) led to criticisms that the group was undermining its professed solidarity. The Guerrilla Girls would never curate another show.
The poster for the 1985 exhibition of collaborative paintings by Andy Warhol and Jean-Michel Basquiat is a rare original, distinguished from later reproductions by its relatively modest size. The Keith Haring poster is for his first show with the Tony Shafrazi Gallery in 1982. Other noteworthy additions to the Gallery 98 inventory include a Haring poster against nuclear energy, a Martin Wong poster, and works by Becky Howland from Colab’s 1983 exhibition at the Ritz in Washington, D.C.