Neke Carson, Anton Perich, Rectal Realism Documentation, 1973 / 2013


Neke Carson and Anton Perich, Rectal Realism Documentation,includes:

Set of 4 photographs by Anton Perich documenting Neke Carson’s rectal realist portrait of Andy Warhol. 8 x 10 in. each. 1973 / 2013.

One DVD showing Neke Carson making the rectal-realist print, I Love You, on Anton Perich’s cable-access television show on Valentine’s Day February 14, 1973.

A statement about rectal-realism signed by Neke Carson.


Neke Carson, Andy Warhol, Rectal Realism

Neke Carson, Rectal Realism, Painting, Warhol Portrait

Neke Carson, Rectal Realist, Andy Warhol, Portrait, painting

The photo of the finished painting.

Neke Carson, Rectal Realism, Artist Statement

Statement signed by artist.

Anton Perich Neke Carson


The Strange World of Neke Carson: Early Works, 1970–85

This is a show filled with unusual masterpieces: psychologically-charged drawings that hint at impropriety; ephemera from guerrilla performances staged in Soho galleries without permission; the notorious rectal-realist paintings created with a paintbrush in his behind; and objects connected with ventures like Carson’s LaRocka Modeling Agency and LaRocka Nite Club (later…