Trampoline Made Out of Hung Bodies, 1972

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Hung Men Trampoline (proposal for unrealized project), Pencil & colored pencil on paper. 16 x 24 in., 1972.

Please contact Gallery 98 to inquire if this work or other items are still available.

Neke Carson Exhibition Home Page

Neke Carson, Trampoline made of people, drawing



The Strange World of Neke Carson: Early Works, 1970–85

This is a show filled with unusual masterpieces: psychologically-charged drawings that hint at impropriety; ephemera from guerrilla performances staged in Soho galleries without permission; the notorious rectal-realist paintings created with a paintbrush in his behind; and objects connected with ventures like Carson’s LaRocka Modeling Agency and LaRocka Nite Club (later…