Redtape Magazine, #7 (final issue), “Tragicomix,” 1992
Perfect bound, 8 1/2″ x 11″. Signed by editor and publisher Michael Carter.
Art and comix by: Bill Anthony, Mike Cockrill, Cheryl Dyer, Ron English, KAZ, Tom McGlynn, Taylor Mead, Gary Panter, Rick Prol, Kiki Smith, Art Spiegelman, Marguerite Van Cook, Tom Warren, and others.
Writing by: Max Blagg, Gregory Corso, Maggie Estep, John Farris, Michael O’Donoghue, David Rattray, Ed Sanders, Lynn Tillman, David Ulin, David Wojnarowicz, and others.
This issue dedicated to the memory and spirit of David Wojnarowicz
and to the unblenchable, tragicomic spirit of bohoism everywhere.