Jenny Holzer and Coleen FitzGibbon, Manifesto, Poster, 5 Bleecker St, 1979


Poster, offset print on color paper, 9″ x 9″.

Artists Jenny Holzer and Coleen FitzGibbon (both members of the group COLAB) organized the “Manifesto Show” in FitzGibbon’s storefront studio, with contributions from nearly 100 artists and amateurs. As Holzer later remembered, “There were manifestos in the window; printed tirades on the right-hand side of the room; visual manifestos—things that looked more like art—on the left; a platform for shouting in the middle; and we blasted speeches from a loud-speaker outside.”


Coleen FitzGibbon Jenny Holzer Posters & Prints Text and Word Art


40 Top Art Events of the Downtown Era: A Timeline, 1974–1992

The Downtown Era began in the 1970s, when aspiring artists of the baby-boomer generation arrived in New York. Over the next two decades, they would radically change the art world, opening it up to new forms of media, new modes of exhibiting art, and new social perspectives.