No Wave

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August 22, 2024
Amos Poe’s No Wave Film The Foreigner, Photos by Fernando Natalici, 1978

Rarely screened today, The Foreigner lives on primarily through the excellent on-set photographs taken by Fernando Natalici to publicize the film. Gallery 98 has a number of vintage resin-coated prints made from the original negatives by Natalici in the early 1990s when The Foreigner was first released as a VHS video. All prints are signed and annotated by Natalici.

July 20, 2023
Revisiting Some of Gallery 98’s Earliest Online Exhibitions

As Gallery 98 continues creating new online exhibitions, our old exhibitions remain online for viewing. From our newsletter archive we have resurrected here an August 9, 2017 newsletter promoting the most popular of our early online exhibitions.

December 29, 2022
Gallery 98 Looks Back at its Own Advertising

Gallery 98 reflects on its own advertising history, showcasing postcards used to promote early online exhibitions by Neke Carson, Colette, Christy Rupp, Cara Perlman, and Stefan Eins.