February 23, 2023
Search by Themes: Portraits of Artists—Performance Art—Nudes & Pinups
Gallery 98 highlights three popular categories of art ephemera: Artist Portraits, Performance Art, and Nudes & Pinups.
February 20, 2023
Marcel Duchamp: Homages, Variations, Imitations
This collection of art ephemera showcases Duchamp’s influence on artists such as Mike Bidlo, Hannah Wilke, Elaine Sturtevant, and others.
February 9, 2023
A Pictorial Map and Walking Tour of Harlem, 2001
The map and walking tour booklet highlight various sites associated with notable figures in Harlem’s history, including artists, writers, musicians, athletes, and political activists such as Duke Ellington, Langston Hughes, and Malcolm X.
February 2, 2023
Deitch Projects: Dan & Dash, Swoon, LaChapelle, Basquiat, Haring
Gallery 98 has recently acquired a collection of announcement cards and posters from the iconic gallery Deitch Projects, which ran from 1996–2010. Artists include Dash Snow, Dan Colen, Swoon, and others.
January 26, 2023
New York Nightclubs 1980s: When Art and Nightlife Mixed
In the 1980s, New York’s nightclub scene was not just about music, but also art exhibitions, performance art, and experimental film. We offer here nightclub invitations connected to Studio 54, Mudd Club, Club 57, Danceteria, AREA, Limelight, Palladium, Cat Club, and Tunnel.
January 19, 2023
The Guerrilla Girls and Fanny Adams (A British Women’s Art Collective)
Fanny Adams, active from 1992–1993, took inspiration from the Guerrilla Girls. Both of these women’s art collectives used poster campaigns to highlight gender discrimination in the art world.
January 13, 2023
Basquiat’s Signature, Address, and Phone Number: A Sheet of Paper Tells a Story
This piece of paper with Jean-Michel Basquiat’s signature, address, and phone number from 1983 tells the story of his collaboration with artist Franc Palaia.
January 5, 2023
Three Signed Originals: Anthony Haden-Guest, Kiki Smith, Linus Coraggio
An ink-on-paper cartoon by Anthony Haden-Guest, a silkscreen on cloth by Kiki Smith, and a scrapbook page by Linus Coraggio capture the cultural history of downtown New York from the 1970s to 90s.
December 29, 2022
Gallery 98 Looks Back at its Own Advertising
Gallery 98 reflects on its own advertising history, showcasing postcards used to promote early online exhibitions by Neke Carson, Colette, Christy Rupp, Cara Perlman, and Stefan Eins.
December 22, 2022
Favorite 2022 Newsletters: Basquiat, Dumas, Gagosian, Koons, Leibovitz, Prince
With close to fifty newsletters sent out this year, director Marc H Miller expresses holiday greetings and gratitude to the team behind the newsletters. Check our Newsletter page to see all newsletters dating back to 2015.
December 15, 2022
Keeping the East Village Alive: Exhibition Catalogues from Howl! Happening
Howl! is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving the downtown spirit of the East Village and has been quietly publishing an impressive collection of exhibition catalogues featuring Arturo Vega, Ethyl Eichelberger, Curt Hoppe, and others.
December 8, 2022
The 8th Annual Acker Awards: Theater for The New City, December 11, 2022
The Acker Awards, an event honoring avant-garde excellence and the independent downtown spirit, was first initiated in 2012 by artist Clayton Patterson.
December 1, 2022
John Gibson Gallery: The Early Years
The John Gibson Gallery featured challenging Fluxus and Conceptual Art by Joseph Beuys, Richard Long, Christo, Vito Acconci, and Dan Graham, among others.
November 17, 2022
Search by Theme: Women—LGBTQ—African Diaspora
Explore art ephemera from the final decades of the 20th century, reflecting the heightened self-awareness and demands for political change that shaped the multicultural art world.
November 11, 2022
Andy Warhol Ephemera—Part 2: Posthumous Cards, Posters, Publications
Andy Warhol Ephemera—Part 2, showcases posthumous cards, posters, and publications from after Warhol’s death in 1987. Also check out Part 1, which features items from before Warhol’s death.
November 4, 2022
Andy Warhol Ephemera—Part 1: Cards, Posters, Magazines, Photos (up to February 22, 1987)
Gallery 98 presents an online exhibition of Andy Warhol ephemera from before his death in 1987. These cards, posters, magazines, and photos remind us of the importance of Warhol’s background in commercial illustration and mass-media.
October 27, 2022
The Comfortable World of Alex Katz: Art Ephemera from a 70-Year Career
Gallery 98 features a selection of announcement cards, catalogues, and other ephemera tracking the long career of Alex Katz, an artist who’s work offers a comforting escape from social issues and angst.
October 20, 2022
Ephemera Tells the Story: Gallery Owner David Zwirner
This week’s newsletter showcases art ephemera that tells the story of David Zwirner Gallery, from its origins in Germany to its representation of renowned artists like Stan Douglas, Marlene Dumas, and Gordon Matta-Clark.
October 13, 2022
New Additions: Gordon Parks, Issey Miyake, Madonna, Faith Ringgold
New additions at Gallery 98 include works by Gordon Parks, Issey Miyake, Madonna, and Faith Ringgold, showcasing greater ethnic and gender diversity, and a willingness to mix creative fields.
October 6, 2022
Portraits of Artists: Gagosian Gallery Cards, 1992–1993
This collection of folded cards from the Gagosian Gallery in the early 1990s, features black and white photographs of artists in their studios, highlighting the fame, drama, and romance of art making.
September 29, 2022
Artists and the Environment: Earthworks, Land Art, Ecological Art, 1970s–1990s
This week’s newsletter spotlights different modes of environmental art from the 1970s–1990s, and includes artists like Newton Harrison & Helen Mayer Harrison, Richard Long, Robert Smithson, Christo & Jeanne-Claude, Alan Sonfist, and Patricia Johanson.
September 22, 2022
Artists Still in the Spotlight: Current Exhibitions—Reminders of Past Triumphs
Gallery 98 highlights seven artists from the 1970s and 80s who are still active today, with major exhibitions currently on view in New York City.
September 15, 2022
ART GALLERY POSTERS, 1965 – 1995: Rain Dance, Avedon’s Beekeeper, Marilyn Monroe
Explore vintage art gallery posters from 1965-1995, showcasing the works of Larry Rivers, Robert Rauschenberg, John Baldessari, and Andy Warhol, among others.
September 8, 2022
A ONE-TIME CAUSE CÉLÈBRE NOW TAINTED Adam Purple’s Garden of Eden, 1973–1986
Adam Purple’s Garden of Eden was a renowned urban garden in the Lower East Side of Manhattan in the 1970s. Despite its initial fame and efforts to save it from demolition, the garden was ultimately destroyed. In later years, it’s memory has been tarnished by revelations of Adam Purple’s sexual…
September 1, 2022
THE OFFENDERS BY SCOTT B & BETH B, 1979: No Wave’s Fusion of Art, Music and Club Culture
“The Offenders” by Scott B & Beth B is a 1979 no wave film that captures the essence of the downtown art scene through its fusion of art, music, and club culture. Set in a New York wasteland, the film features a celebrity cast of downtown musicians and art-scene trendsetters.
August 25, 2022
TWO NIGHTS AT CLUB 57 IN 1980 Vintage Photographs by Harvey Wang
Vintage photographs by Harvey Wang and club calendars showcase the energetic and creative performances at Club 57 in 1980, including Lady Wrestling and the Elvis Memorial Party.
August 18, 2022
SMALL, INTIMATE AND HISTORIC More Art World Snapshots from the 1980s
A collection of 1980s snapshots featuring art world celebrities like Keith Haring, Futura 2000, Alba Clemente, Maripol, and Diego Cortez, capture intimate moments at private events and gallery openings.
August 11, 2022
SNAPSHOTS AT AN ART RECEPTION, 1987/88 Jean-Michel Basquiat, Debbie Harry, Stephen Sprouse
These amateur photos provide an authentic record of a reception attended by Jean-Michel Basquiat, Debbie Harry, Stephen Sprouse, and others.
August 4, 2022
THREE UNUSUAL ITEMS Remembering East Village Art, 1985
Gallery 98 presents three unusual items that provide a glimpse into the vibrant but short-lived art scene of the East Village in the 1980s. A board-game poster with art by Mark Kostabi is especially fun.
July 28, 2022
The Charlie Parker Book that Jean-Michel Basquiat Gave to Friends
Gallery 98 recently acquired a copy of Ross Russell’s book “Bird Lives!’ It was once owned by Jean-Michel Basquiat, who inscribed it to his friend Lisa Soto. Apparently, Basquiat once had a case of these books and frequently gave them out as gifts to friends.
July 21, 2022
ALTERNATIVE PERIODICALS Magazines and Newspapers from Downtown NYC, 1980s
Gallery 98 has restocked its collection of 1980s downtown periodicals, including East Village Eye, New York Rocker, Details Magazine, and more.
July 14, 2022
POSTAGE STAMPS AS ART EPHEMERA Commemorating “Love” and “The Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial”
Featured here are two sets of postage stamps connected to the art world. The Love stamps were signed by Robert Indiana in 1991 and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial stamps were signed by Maya Lin in 1984.
July 8, 2022
ROBERT COLESCOTT (1925-2009) Master of Black Visual Satire
Robert Colescott’s gaudily colored, densely packed, transgressive, cartoon-like paintings continue to garner surprising success. …
July 5, 2022
MORE THAN EPHEMERA Three Treasures From Our Collection
While the three works featured below could technically be termed ephemera, their artistry and historical importance dispel any thoughts that they might be of fleeting interest.
June 23, 2022
M. HENRY JONES (1957 – 2022) Spanning the Digital Divide
Gallery 98 is sad to relay the passing of M. Henry Jones, a singular artist whose animated films, kinetic sculpture, and 3-dimensional photographs provide a fortuitous glimpse of future advances in technology, as well as the impact these changes had on art.
June 16, 2022
Traveling is not easy these days but it was well-worth it to visit Venice and have the opportunity to view the exhibition Marlene Dumas, open-end at the Palazzo Grassi.
June 3, 2022
TRY OUR NEW SEARCH OPTION Are You a Collector or Are You a Researcher?
Collectors can now click the “For Collectors” button and only items that are available for purchase will remain on the page. For the full inventory of posted items, click on the “For Researchers” button, and the sold items will reappear.
May 25, 2022
BOOK LAUNCH AT HOWL, MAY 28th, 7 – 9pm Art Worker: Doing Time In The New York Artworld By Alan W. Moore
Art Worker features Moore’s remembrances of the artist organization COLAB, The Real Estate Show, The Times Square Show, ABC No Rio, Fashion Moda, Art-Rite magazine, the East Village Eye, cable television and much more.
May 19, 2022
ART EPHEMERA FROM THE 1980s & 1990s Race – Abortion – Guns – War
It’s hard to focus on art ephemera from the 1980s and 1990s when the news of the day keeps intruding. But, unfortunately, racial prejudice, the threat to abortion rights, and the constant menace of war and gun violence are ongoing concerns.
May 12, 2022
ARTISTS AND ART DEALERSEphemera with Portraits
If you want to own just one item of art ephemera, a good choice might be a gallery invitation featuring a portrait of your favorite artist. This type of card has long been used as a way to advertise exhibitions, especially if the artist is well-known or has a distinctive…
May 5, 2022
DEITCH PROJECTS, 1996 – 2010 Art Ephemera Tells the Story
In the course of fourteen years in New York’s Soho arts’ district, Deitch Projects completely reconfigured people’s expectations about art. Its founder Jeffrey Deitch was already a well-known art advisor, curator and critic when in 1996 he decided to open his own gallery, where he remained committed to the populist and…
April 28, 2022
WILLIAM EGGLESTON: EXHIBITION CARDS From Our Collection of Photography Ephemera
When William Eggleston began taking pictures in the late 1960s and 70s, his use of color and his “democratic” approach to subject matter stood in sharp contrast to the work of other photographers who still favored working in black and white and seeking out “decisive moments” and exceptional subjects.
April 21, 2022
VIEW OUR ONLINE EXHIBITION Marlene Dumas: Fifty Years of Art Ephemera
Recognized as one of Europe’s most successful painters, Dumas has exhibited at top galleries and museums. For Americans who might be less familiar with her work, Gallery 98’s online Dumas exhibition of announcement cards and photographs, spotlights both career highlights and well-known images.
April 14, 2022
ANNINA NOSEI GALLERY A Story Told In Art Ephemera
Annina Nosei and Jean-Michel Basquiat in the 2,000 square-foot basement of her gallery at 100 Prince Street, NYC. Nosei later provided Basquiat with a studio on Crosby Street. Photo by Naoki Okamoto, courtesy Annina Nosei. Annina Nosei will forever be associated with Jean-Michel Basquiat whom she helped launch…
April 7, 2022
ANNIE FLANDERS (1939 – 2022) Details Magazine, Downtown New York, 1980s
The passing last month of Annie Flanders the founder of Details magazine has renewed interest in the most successful of the many independent publications to emerge out of New York’s downtown scene in the 1980s.
March 31, 2022
NEW ONLINE EXHIBITION Marlene Dumas: Fifty Years of Art Ephemera
The large solo exhibition at the Palazzo Grassi in Venice running through January 8, 2023, further expands the painter Marlene Dumas’ remarkable fifty-year career consisting of scores of exhibitions at top galleries and museums, as well as, impressive auction sales.
March 24, 2022
TEA PARTY AT THE ALGONGUIN HOTEL A Gathering of Women Artists, 1991
In the same celebratory spirit as Great Day in Harlem, the famous group portrait of jazz musicians, Tea Party at the Algonguin Hotel salutes women artists as a newly empowered creative force.
March 17, 2022
POSTHUMOUS BASQUIAT (August 12, 1988 – Present) Gallery Cards, Catalogues, Posters, Other Art Ephemera
The best art ephemera chronicles an artist’s career, and for most artists very little of significance happens after their death. Jean-Michel Basquiat is the exception here, an artist whose presence, popularity and importance continued to surge after he died.