COLAB, X Magazine Benefit Concert, Poster, 1978

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Magazine X Benefit poster featuring Contortions, Police Band, Erasers, DNA, Theoretical Girls and Terminal, 1978.  Design by Seth Tillett; offset on paper: 14 x 20 in.

Magazine X Benefit Concert, Contortions, Police Band, Erasers, DNA, Theoretical Girls,Terminal, 1978, Seth Tillett

This street poster advertises a “No Wave” rock concert to raise money to print the third issue of X Magazine.  Some of the groups that performed — the Contortions and DNA —  were later recorded by Brian Eno for the seminal “No New York” album.  This poster is not to be confused with the similar-looking, smaller version that was featured as the centerfold in the third issue of X Magazine and thanked the bands for their help. The item for sale here is the original; it is larger, printed on better paper,  and exceedingly rare.

Collaborative Projects Inc (COLAB) Music Ephemera Posters & Prints