“Art Direct” Mail-Order Catalogue,1982


Collaborative Projects & Printed Matter Inc. Present Art Direct Items for the Home or Office, 1982; cover art by Tom Otterness; offset booklet, 40 pages, 5 ¼ x 8 ¼ in.




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Inside page  featuring Tom Otterness’s Zodiac Love sculptures.


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Inside page with t-shirts by Christy Rupp and Stefan Eins

Also features pages illustrating art by Jane Dickson,Peter Fend, Paulette Nenner, Debbie Davis. Becky Howland, Ellen Cooper, Christof Kohlhofer, Richard Bosman, Carol Parkinson, Tom Lawson, Jenny Holzer, Cara Perlman, Nancy Linn, Jonathan Borofsky, Andrea Callard, Peter Grass, Joseph Nechvatal, Lisa Kahane, Kiki Smith, John Fekner, Jody Culkin, Spanner Magazine, Bobby G, Sol LeWitt, Mike Glier, Matthew Geller, Kathy Acker, Sarah Charlesworth, Richard Mock, Barbara Kruger, Verge Piersol and more.


Collaborative Projects Inc (COLAB)


Collecting COLAB: Ephemera, Photography & Multiples, 1978–1985

COLAB’s ever-changing nexus of thirty to sixty artists included many who later achieved individual fame, but the group’s real contribution was the philosophy of creative engagement it advanced through collective, do-it-yourself actions.



Venues/Art Spaces