Limelight, Morris Katz, The World’s Fastest Painter Commit to Canvas 10 Paintings Per Hour, Two Fold Card, 1985
Size: 5.5 x 8.5 Inches (Folded) 16.5 x 8.5 (Unfolded)
“Mr. Katz invented ‘Instant Art’ in 1956 and has gone on to become the most prolific painter alive according to the Guinness Book of World Records, with about 143,000 paintings to his credit. He said he perfected his technique by doing 6,000 paintings at something of an art factory in Mississippi. Mr Katz does not use paint brushes because they are ‘too slow and too hard to clean’ but rather paints with a palette knife, often straight from the paint can, and with lots of toilet paper, ‘What miracles I can do,’ he said, ‘with a full roll of toilet paper and a good head of steam.'”
