Sam Wagstaff, handwritten letter to Anne MacDonald, concerning the Berkeley Art Museum reception, October 11, 1978.

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Handwritten double-sided letter

Size: 8.5 x 11 inches

Wagstaff asks if he could add names for the reception that will follow the opening of the exhibition of his photography collection at the Berkeley Art Museum: “Just got the invitation, which looks great. I don’t know whether Jim (Elliot, director of the Berkeley Art Museum) has given you (or whether there is room?!) for a couple of my step-father’s relatives…”

He adds: “Rushing, as usual, to Rochester, (this time) for a symposium (get him!) on collecting you know what. It is crazy. Robert (who might come out and sends bear hugs) says he wouldn’t be doing anything, just having fun. Which certainly isn’t symposia. Symposia isn’t ambrosia.”

Letters from Sam Wagstaff to Anne MacDonald Sam Wagstaff


Letters and Ephemera: Anne MacDonald, Sam Wagstaff, Robert Mapplethorpe

The connection between Anne MacDonald (1942 – 2018) and Sam Wagstaff (1921 – 1987) dates back to the early 1970s when she was on the Board of Trustees at the Detroit Institute of Art where he was a curator. Despite her title, MacDonald was still in her 20s and…



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