Guerrilla Girls

To learn more about the Guerrilla Girls, see Gallery 98’s past exhibition, Guerrilla Girls: Feminist Street Posters, 1985-1991

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April 13, 2023
Art Posters, 1970s–80s: Warhol, Beuys, Haring, Basquiat

Vintage art posters from the 1970s and 80s, including iconic works by Warhol, Basquiat, Haring, and the Guerrilla Girls, now available at Gallery 98.

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The Guerrilla Girls and Fanny Adams (A British Women’s Art Collective)

Fanny Adams, active from 1992–1993, took inspiration from the Guerrilla Girls. Both of these women’s art collectives used poster campaigns to highlight gender discrimination in the art world.

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POSTERS THAT CHANGED THE ART WORLD Guerrilla Girls – Rarities from the 1980s & 90s

When the Guerrilla Girls began wheat-pasting posters on walls near galleries and museums in downtown NY in the mid-1980s, they didn’t know what effect these posters would have on the art world nor exactly how long that effect would last.

November 7, 2019
EXHIBITIONS BY WOMEN ARTISTS, 1970s – 90s: Surveying a Collection of Gallery Announcement Cards

One does not usually think of the late 20th century as a great period for women artists, in part because of the Guerilla Girls’ successful poster campaign that revealed how few women exhibited in NYC’s major museums and galleries. Yet a survey of the announcement cards from this period shows…