Bobby G (Robert Goldman), Artists for Survival Inaugural Exhibition , ABC No Rio, Flyer, 1980


Xerox print (done at Todd’s Copy Shop), 8 ½” x 11″.

Downtown artists took advantage of the newly prevalent photocopying technology to promote their exhibitions. Bobby G (Robert Goldman), Alan Granville, and Jon Keller designed this poster for Artists for Survival, the first exhibition at ABC No Rio. Copies were made at the artist-run Todd’s Copy Shop on Mott Street, where downtown artists often congregated, and could even exhibit their Xerox works. Holland Cotter singled out the piece in a 2002 New York Times review: “The art that came out of No Rio’s scrappy city-leased space was anarchic in spirit, collaborative in format, activist in intention. A street poster that read, ‘Get Wrecked, Get Political’ distills its flavor.”

Get Wrecked Get political, Poster, ABC No Rio, Bobby G


ABC No Rio Bobby G (Robert Goldman) Flyers Gallery Exhibition Cards Political Xerox and Photocopies


40 Top Art Events of the Downtown Era: A Timeline, 1974–1992

The Downtown Era began in the 1970s, when aspiring artists of the baby-boomer generation arrived in New York. Over the next two decades, they would radically change the art world, opening it up to new forms of media, new modes of exhibiting art, and new social perspectives.



Venues/Art Spaces