Bobby G (Robert Goldman), Artists for Survival Inaugural Exhibition , ABC No Rio, Flyer, 1980
Xerox print (done at Todd’s Copy Shop), 8 ½” x 11″.
Downtown artists took advantage of the newly prevalent photocopying technology to promote their exhibitions. Bobby G (Robert Goldman), Alan Granville, and Jon Keller designed this poster for Artists for Survival, the first exhibition at ABC No Rio. Copies were made at the artist-run Todd’s Copy Shop on Mott Street, where downtown artists often congregated, and could even exhibit their Xerox works. Holland Cotter singled out the piece in a 2002 New York Times review: “The art that came out of No Rio’s scrappy city-leased space was anarchic in spirit, collaborative in format, activist in intention. A street poster that read, ‘Get Wrecked, Get Political’ distills its flavor.”